Arlington Neighborhood News Exchange (ANNE)
Hosted by the Arlington County Civic Federation
The Arlington Neighborhood News Exchange is a service for neighborhood newsletter editors where we swap articles. With the benefits of cut-and-paste an editor can add some interesting items to their newsletter.
The service depends on editors and those with neighborhood news to distribute to send us their articles. You can send articles in the form of plain text in email (preferred) or as attachments
in almost any format. We normally convert the files to plain email text to make it easier for everybody to cut and paste. We forward only the kind of article you would normally see in a neighborhood newsletter, so there are no commercial or political messages included.
Neighborhood newsletters have long production schedules. Editing, printing by a low-cost printer and distribution by a low-cost method all take time. So articles should be submitted to send around at least six weeks in advance. Editors normally put the next month's newsletter together in the middle of a month, so an event on February 22 should go around by ANNE no later than January 10.
The articles are all copyrighted by the authors, but any article submitted to ANNE is understood to come with permission to use it in any Arlington non-profit newsletter.
We obviously have no way of judging the accuracy of the content of the articles we send you, and we do not verify facts or sources. You should do that if you think it necessary for a given article following your normal standards for any newsletter submission. Most of the content is straightforward, but if you have questions please follow up with the author of the article.
Articles posted to the list are normally processed promptly. But we look at each article to make sure it is actually neighborhood news material before forwarding it, so it could sometimes take a day or so. The messages are sent by hand, not by machine, so spam is not an issue. If we send too many messages for you, you can just send us a message and we will take you off the list.
- If you are a neighborhood newsletter editor, you can receive all of our new articles by email as they arrive by joining the ANNE list. To join the list please send an email to anne+.
- We encourage you to send us articles that would be of interest to other neighborhoods. To post articles to ANNE, send them to the same address: anne+.
- For more articles, check out our links to other neighborhood pages. Some of them have their newsletters up on their Web page.
- You can subscribe to the County's Volunteer News, with volunteer opportunities, by sending an email.
- You can also subscribe to the Countys' "Senior News from Arlington County" messages by calling Judy Massabny, 703-228-4721
in the Office of Senior Adult Programs, Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources.
Here are two samples of ANNE messages Email us for some recent ones!
Posted January 11, 2010
Money Talk: A financial course for women
Women have unique financial needs. Most will at some time be on their own financially. Some will never marry, some will see their marriages end in divorce, and others will outlive their husbands. This course will provide you with information that you need to take charge of your financial future. The course includes five classes:
- Feb. 3 Financial Basics
- Feb. 10 Investing Basics
- Feb. 17 Investing for Retirement
- Feb. 24 Insurance Basics
- March 3 Planning for Future Life Events
All classes will be held 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Arlington Central Library (1015 N Quincy Street). Cost: $20 (for the accompanying textbook). To register, contact jabel@vt.edu or (703) 228-6417. This is a program of Virginia Cooperative Extension and Arlington Public Libraries.
Jennifer Abel, M.S., AFC - Extension Agent
Virginia Cooperative Extension, Arlington County
Tel: (703) 228-6417
E-mail: jabel@vt.edu
Posted January 7, 2010
Celebrate Arlington�s Natural Backyard Treasures!
Discover plants, animals and insects in our urban environment and learn how Arlington's natural resources are affected by development at Natural Heritage Resource Inventory, a multi-year effort to inventory all of Arlington's natural resources. 7pm on February 4 at the Central Library Auditorium, 1015 N. Quincy Street.
Gretchen Walsh
Marketing and Special Events Coordinator
Arlington County Department of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources
2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 414
Arlington, VA 22201
This page was last revised on: January 18, 2010