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Arlington County Civic Federation

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Mediation for Neighborhoods
And Others in Arlington:
The Northern Virginia Mediation Service

Neighbors can have feuds that last for weeks, cmonths, even years. All around the world people are involved in conflicts that have gotten out of control. We see this locally in our own families and communities all the time. Disagreements start out small; people ignore them and hope they will go away; then they escalate out of control causing financial, relationship and, in the worst cases, even physical harm. These seemingly small situations can escalate into discord, court disputes, or even violence. Mediation is a process that can bring people together to create mutually acceptable solutions to their conflict. The Northern Virginia Mediation Service uses trained mediators who will mediate these cases at no cost. We provide this service because we want to serve our community and allow everyone access to mediation regardless of ability to pay. We use trained volunteers to mediate these cases at a neutral place near where the parties live. The types of conflicts that fall under community mediation would be: neighbor-to-neighbor, parent-teen, private landlord-tenant, intra-family, and various other conflicts that can affect the community.

Our program seeks three kinds of partners. The first kind of partner is a referral partner. The referral partner refers community cases that seem appropriate for mediation to NVMS. We are looking to recruit homeowner associations, PTAs, churches, and other organizations that hear about conflict first. The second kind of partner is a site partner. Site partners allow for community cases to be mediated at their site. They will provide a room that NVMS can use at no cost. This way parties that are in conflict can have their case mediated in their community. The third kind of partner is a volunteer partner. Volunteers are needed to mediate community cases. These volunteers will be provided extensive training in community mediation and given cases with locations nearby to mediate. Please call 703-993-3656 for more information or check out our website www.NVMediation.org

This page was last revised on: February 14, 2005.
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