May, 2002 - Volume 86, No. 10
May General Meeting State & Federal Legislators Visit
As in past years, the Civic Federation will play host to our State Senators and Delegates at the May meeting. This meeting is timed each year so that we can hear them describe the most recent legislative sessions and for the Federation to find out how our legislative package (passed at the November meeting) has fared. This year we also invited our Federal Delegation including Congressman Jim Moran (he accepted), Senator George Allen (not available) and Senator Warner (no response to date). Details for the meeting rules are in the last section of this Civic Voice.
Here s our agenda for May:
~~ May General Meeting ~~
Congressional Representative
State Delegation
Presentation by Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization &
Presentation by Arlington Project Resilience (tentative)
Federation Review of Spout Run Bridge Proposal Postponed to June Meeting
The joint committee composed of the Transportation and Parks & Recreation Committees of the Federation reports that they are not yet able to respond to the resolution introduced in March by Delegate Carla von Bernewitz (Woodmont CA) on the Spout Run Bridge. The bridge, proposed as a bike-pedestrian bridge and based on a Da Vinci design, would span the Spout Run Parkway. The earlier Doubleday Bridge (formerly on that site) was demolished (as a result of damage and age) in the early 70s. The Woodmont Civic Association has endorsed the idea. However, the joint committee will delay development of a recommendation to the Federation until it hears from the North Highlands Civic Association, which is located at the southern end of the proposed bridge. The bridge plans can be viewed on the Federation's Web site.
Federation Receives Two Responses to Resolution Opposing A Baseball Stadium
At the April meeting, the membership voted by a wide margin to oppose the siting of a major league baseball stadium in the County. Subsequently, copies of the resolution were forwarded to the Governor, the Commissioner of Baseball, our state legislative delegation, along with Congressman Moran and Senators Warner and Allen. To date, only the Governor s office and State Delegate Almand have responded. Delegate Almand acknowledged the Federation s position and noted that he would take it into consideration on any future legislative activities. The Executive Director of Virginia for Business responded for the Governor, noting that what degree a professional sports team benefits the economy is a complex issue and not one that can be answered definitively here. Any discussion to provide public funds will be made, if at all, only after careful review and analysis of the anticipated return on investment on all available factors, including the impact on the taxpayers, and after a full public hearing conducted by the [Virginia Baseball Stadium] authority. The Federation s Executive Committee will continue to review responses and determine if further action is warranted.
Mark Your Calendars! May 29th
Federation Leaders Forum:
Strong, Safe, Supportive Neighborhoods
In the aftermath of 9/11/01, the need for strengthening and securing our communities is even more critical. Civic leaders have the responsibility, especially in target rich Arlington, to strengthen communities to reduce risks and respond to the threats of all kinds.
On May 29th, the Civic Federation will host the Arlington County Police, the County Emergency Management, and groups including the Red Cross in presentations on how we can work together to strengthen and prepare Arlington communities. The forum will be held at the Virginia Hospital Center from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 29th.
Arlington Police will unveil Arlington s new Neighborhood Watch program that links Community Policing strategy with Civic Association community building. The new Neighborhood Watch relies on Civic Associations to work with neighbors to improve communication and organize efforts to help each other. Police will talk about how Community Policing can support this work.
A Preview of Arlington's newly revised Emergency Management Plan will be presented by Deputy Emergency Services Coordinator, Captain Mark Penn. His talk will highlight how the Plan has been revised to address current risk assessment. He will tell us what we can expect from the County and what citizens can do to prepare. Break-out session workshops include:
- How to Start a Neighborhood Watch
- Red Cross Disaster Education and training opportunities.
The Federation strongly encourages organizations to designate representatives to make this meeting. Our goal is to make Arlington the best-prepared community in the nation. We can only do this if you participate. For more information, see the insert in this issue or contact Jackie Snelling at 703-243-0905. Return the enclosed form or e-mail Kim Smith at kim+ to register. Reservations are required to ensure adequate numbers of workshop materials are prepared.
Nominating Committee Report
Nancy Graham, Chair of the Nominating Committee (which was elected at the April meeting) has reported in with a slate of officer recommendations that the committee will introduce at the May meeting. The Committee s nominations are:
The Federation s annual elections will take place at the June 4th meeting and terms of office to begin (in accordance with Federation Bylaws) immediately after meeting. Additional nominations from the floor will be taken at the June meeting before the election.
Forest Hills Joins Civic Federation!
At the April meeting, the Forest Hills Community Association was accepted by a unanimous vote as a member organization of the Civic Federation. That makes our Federation 79 members strong.
Welcome to the Federation, Forest Hills!
Ft. Myer Hosts Twilight Tattoo
In conjunction with Arlington s Neighborhood Day celebration, the U.S. Army District of Washington will host their annual ceremony on base at Fort Myer at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 11th. A "tattoo" is a military tradition traced from the early 17th century's 30 Years War. The sounding of the bugle signaled soldiers to close the soldiers tavern and return to their quarters. Someone would close the "tap to" the keg stoppers. Through the years, "tap to" evolved into "tattoo." Although "Tattoo" is sounded now, it is invoked as a tradition commemorating the completion of a soldier s duty. For this year s Twilight Tattoo, the ceremony will be dedicated to local heroes and will include performances by the 3rd U.S. Infantry Band and the U.S. Army Band. This year, two Army Bronze Medallists from the 2002 Winter Olympic games will be honored. Military Displays will include the ceremonial Caisson Platoon (with draft horses) and the Old Guard Museum will be open for visitors. The public is invited. Entry to Fort Myer will require valid photo identification and extra time should be allowed for security checks. See you there!
Neighborhood Day Volunteers Sought!
Have you ever wanted to run a parade? This is your chance! The Civic Federation, which co-chairs the Neighborhood Day Steering Committee, is looking for volunteers to work as Parade Marshals. Parade Marshals are responsible for lining up the parade participants, stepping them off in the right order at the right time and ensuring the parade flows smoothly. Civic Federation Parade Marshals will be on duty from about 12:30 to 3 p.m. in the Clarendon area and get to march as the final group in the parade (carrying the famous Fractured Fairy Tales style The End sign). If you would like to help out, please email (jim+) or call Jim Pebley (703-525-0766). We re sure you ll enjoy the day!
Has Your Organization Planned Neighborhood Day Activities?
If your organization has planned a neighborhood Day activity and you d like to get the word out, let us know at the Civic Federation Website. We d be happy to post whatever activities your group is planning and can offer any advice you may need. If you haven t planned an activity, it s not too late to do so. A complete list of suggested activities is available via the Federation website at the Neighborhood Day Web page.
Rules for Congressional/State Legislator s Visit
Congressman Jim Moran will speak first, followed by a question and answer period. Next, the entire state legislative delegation will be introduced and will be allowed to speak, followed by a question and answer period. Only Federation delegates and alternates may ask questions. Questions from delegates and alternates will be entertained as recognized by the meeting s Chair and delegates will not be required to submit questions in advance. As always, argumentative, multi-part, and follow-up questions will not be permitted.
Notes From Your President
Even as this Civic Federation year draws to a close (in June), it seems like there is a never ending stream of really significant activities going on affecting almost every aspect of our membership. Here are a few of the current ongoing activies you may or may not be aware of:
- The Public Services committee is planning an important forum on Community Disaser Preparedness in cooperation with the Fire Department, Police Department and the Red Cross. I will be appealing to all of our member organization presidents to send a representative to this important meeting. This meeting should help answer the question, what are we doing in Arlington to be better prepared for disasters since 9-11-01?
- The Membership Committee met with the Presidents of the Arlington Ridge and Long Branch Creek Civic Associations to resolve a boundary dispute regarding an overlapping area of interest to both organizations (specifically, Gunston M.S.). I m happy to report that the issue has been amicably resolved, in large part due to the leadership of Don Clarke. Both organizations are to be commended for working this out. As my favorite aunt used to say, Good On You!
- The Executive Committee has considered the request of the Christian Dorsey campaign for the Federation to host a debate between Mr. Dorsey (Democratic candidate for County Board) and Mr. Chris Zimmerman (Democratic incumbent). The Executive Committee has declined to organize a debate for these candidates since they are vying for a political party nomination. Instead, the committee pointed out that any of the candidates can use the Federation s Public Comment time (7-7:30 p.m. before the membership meetings). At press time, two candidates (one Republican and one Democratic) indicated their desire to speak. If time is available,
questions will be permitted, as always.
See you Tuesday, May 7th!
Sincerely, Jim Pebley
Here's the softcopy of the flyer insert we added to the snail mail version of the Civic Voice
Care to Prepare
Join your fellow Civic Federation Delegates and other community leaders for a presentation on the latest developments on Emergency Preparedness.
Mark your calendars for the Federation Leaders Forum
Building Strong, Safe and Supportive Neighborhoods
When: Wednesday, May 29, 2002
7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Where: Til Hazel Auditorium
Virginia Hospital Center Arlington
Arlington County Police Department
Arlington s Emergency Management Leadership
Arlington Red Cross and others
Following September 11th, there is an even greater need to strengthen and secure our communities, neighborhood by neighborhood, in target-rich Arlington. It is also an opportunity to build on the strength of Arlington s rich tradition of diverse community-based engagement. The Arlington County Police Department will unveil our new Neighborhood Watch program that links our Community Policing strategy with Civic Association community building. Deputy Emergency Services Coordinator, Captain Mark Penn, will preview Arlington s newly revised Emergency Management Plan, its relationship to Neighborhood Watch, and other responsibilities of citizens in times of disaster. Representatives from the Red Cross and other groups will discuss the importance of Family Disaster Planning and highlight the many training opportunities available to Arlington s citizens to help keep us safer.
To insure adequate materials, registration is required. Please complete the following form and return it to Kim Smith at 3131 N. Piedmont Street, 22207 or e-mail it to jadam@erols.com.
ACCF Officers
President Jim Pebley 703-525-0766 jim+
Vice President Dan Krasnegor 703-534-4024 dan+
Treasurer Frances Finta 703-528-2882 (no email)
Secretary Tim Wise 703-243-8345 tim+
Executive Committee
Chairman - Dan Krasnegor 703-534-4024 - dan+
Member - Robert Atkins 703-527-8859 - (voice or fax) - (no email)
Member - Mileva Hartman 703-841-9287 - mileva+
Member - Roger Meyer 703-671-3655 roger+
Member - Patrick Smaldore 703-528-3935 - patrick+
Member - Kim Smith -
ACCF Committee Chairs
Jean Mostrom, Chair 703-532-0452
Scott McGeary, Vice Chair 703-750-4704
Community Relations Jacqueline Mow 703-528-1112
Cultural Affairs
Environmental Affairs
Frances Finta 703-528-2882 (no email)
Parks & Recreation
Planning & Zoning
William Gearhart 703-522-2276 bill+
Martha Moore 703-527-3782 martha+
Public Services
Anne Fisher
Kim Smith kim+
Revenues and Expenditures
Robert Atkins 703-527-8859 (voice or fax) no email
Special Events
Transportation (Co-Chairs)
Matt Bonini 703-820-2032 matt +
Jerry Auten 703-536-5365jerry+
Newsletter Editorial Committee
News email: - civicvoice Fax: 703-486-0576 +
Web: - www.civfed.org (civfed.com works too)
The paper version of the Civic Voice uses a design by Cheryl Whitehead, who can be reached through email to cwhite229@erols.com. This Web version, using the same text but posted within the style confines of our Web page design, is put up by Randy Swart. If you have comments about either version, please contact the editor, Jim Pebley
This page was last revised on: December 27, 2003.