March 2005 - Volume 89, No. 7
ACCF General Meeting Notice
Tuesday, March 1, 2005 at 7:30pm
Hazel Conference Center Virginia Hospital Center-Arlington 1701 North George Mason Drive
Tuesday, March 1, 2005
7:30pm, Call to Order
1. Pledge of Allegiance (formal start of meeting)
2. Approval of Agenda and Minutes (Feb 1, 2005)
3. Treasurer's Report
4. Committee Reports
5. Committee of 100 Presentation
7:50pm Program Begins
6. ACCF Commissioner of Revenue/Treasurer Program
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment
Message from the President
At the March meeting we will have the Arlington County Commissioner of Revenue, Ingrid Morroy, to discuss the Personal Property Enforcement Program (PPEP), an effort to properly register and tax all vehicles regularly parked in Arlington. Most of these vehicles are located in high-rise residential buildings. As of December 31, 2004, this program generated nearly $900,000 in additional County revenues. We will also have Arlington County Treasurer, Frank O'Leary, who will present a demonstration and operation of the automated tag reader, a revolutionary device that automatically detects vehicles with unpaid parking tickets and County taxes. In only 32 days of operation, the tag reader has generated over $90,000.
Civic Federation Banquet
Mark your calendars!!
The Civic Federation's annual Awards Banquet will take place on Friday April 1, 2005 from 6:30 to 10:30 PM at the Army Navy Country Club. Our speaker this year will be Arlington County Manager, Ron Carlee.
Journal Cup Changing
As we go to press with the March newsletter I have learned that the Journal Newspaper is no longer in business, and as a result the "Journal Cup" will not be presented this year. However, the Sun Gazette newspaper will award the "Sun Gazette Cup". We have made an editorial change to the ACCF By-Laws to reflect this change.
Resolution Results
Resolution of Arlington County Civic Federation:
County Board Advertising of Lot Coverage Amendment
This resolution was passed by the Arlington County Civic Federation by a margin of 44 to 21 at the February 1, 2005 meeting. Please see the copy of it on the ACCF Web Page.
Resolution of Arlington County Civic Federation:
Arlington County Police Department Staffing
The Arlington County Civic Federation at the February 1, 2005 meeting unanimously passed this resolution. Please see the copy of it on the ACCF Web Page.
Wakefield Class of 2005 Senior Cruise
By Anne Felker
On June 23, 2005, about 1400 Arlington young people will pass one of life's first milestones�high school graduations. They will have completed an education that the taxpayers of Arlington can be proud of. H-B Woodlawn, Wakefield, Washington-Lee and Yorktown are community assets, for sure.
Soon the civic associations, PTA's and businesses of Arlington will be receiving letters from parents of future graduates who are seeking donations to help them provide a safe and fun post-graduation evening, a cruise on the Potomac. The cruise is a delightful way to assure the graduates an alcohol and drug -free passage into the era of 'life after high school'.
Giving a party for that many best friends is time consuming and challenging, but keeping them healthy and happy is worth the effort. Donations of money will help lower the cost of boat tickets and provide for other goodies and souvenirs to keep the memory alive. Lower ticket costs will allow more of the graduates to be able to join in the fun. Donations of goods and services will be used as prizes during the night to add to the excitement. All benefactors will be acknowledged in school newspapers and boat party programs so that the grads will be aware of your group's pride in them. The parent planners will be grateful for your assistance. For more information please contact Ann Felker, Chair, Wakefield Class of 2005 Senior Cruise at: 703-527-8053 or gr8estnine@comcast.net
Letter to the Arlington County Board
February 7, 2005
Arlington County Board
Arlington County, Virginia
#1 Courthouse Plaza, Suite 300
2100 Clarendon Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201
Honorable Jay Fisette, Chairman
Subject: County Board Advertising of Lot Coverage Amendment
(1) The ACCF recommends that the Arlington County Board, if it decides to advertise an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance with respect to lot coverage
- Advertise an amendment that is not broader in scope and would not apply to more improved lots than the amendment proposed for advertising by the County Manager at the December 11 County Board meeting;
- Include within the advertised amendment a "grandfather" clause similar to the one in the Manager's proposal of December 11, that makes it clear the new rules will not apply to existing improved lots (except those that fall within the definition of "new construction"); and
- Defer consideration of any advertised amendment to its May 2005 meeting, or a later meeting, in order to give the Civic Federation and its member organizations and other interested parties sufficient time to review the advertised amendment and take a position;
(2) The ACCF will not support an amendment that is broader in scope than the Manager's proposal or that is to be acted upon before the May 2005 Board meeting.
We feel this is important, and we ask that you include it in your discussions of these matters. We look forward to your response to our letter. Please feel free to contact me via telephone at: 703-528-3935, or via email at; pat@civfed.org.
Thank you.
Patrick A. Smaldore Jr.
Patrick A. Smaldore Jr.
President, Arlington County Civic Federation
ACCF Committee Chairs
Ad Hoc Airports Committee
By-Laws Committee
Community Relations Committee
Cultural Affairs Committee
Environmental Committee
Ben Axelroad, Chair - 703-525-3083
Housing Committee
Legislation Committee
Membership Committee
Frances Finta, Chair - 703-528-2882/fax 703-528-0182
Parks & Recreation Committee
Planning & Zoning Committee
Public Services Committee - Amy Levin, 703-521-4894+
Revenues & Expenditures Committee
Scholarship Committees
Jim Pebley - 703-525-0766
Tim Reese 703-533-0091, Co-Chairs
Schools Committee
Special Events Committee
Frances Finta phone703-528-2882/fax 703-528-0182
Transportation Committee
The Arlington County Civic Federation 2004-2005
Executive Committee Officers
President - Patrick Smaldore - 703-528-3935
Vice President - Anne Fisher - 703-838-8502
Treasurer - Frances Finta - 703-528-2882/fax 703-528-0182
Secretary - Tim Russo - 703-527-3693
Executive Committee Members
Arlington County Civic Federation
C/o Patrick A. Smaldore Jr.
3859 North Second Street
Arlington, VA 22203-3803
This page was last revised on: February 17, 2005.