January, 2006 - Volume 90, No. 5

ACCF General Meeting Notice
Tuesday January 3, 2006, 7:30pm
Hazel Conference Center Virginia Hospital Center-Arlington 1701 North George Mason Drive
Tuesday January 3, 2006
1. Pledge of Allegiance (formal start of meeting)
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes (Dec 6, 2005)
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Executive Committee Resolution
6. Planning and Zoning Committee discussion about the proposed ordinance change for church/lodge parking lots
7. ACCF Arlington County Board Program
8. New Business/Adjournment
Message from the President
We would like to plan that the Chairman and other Board members will take no more than 30 minutes at the beginning of the program to address the questions below, and thereafter there will be 45 minutes allotted for questions from the floor.
Questions for the County Board at our January 3rd meeting:
1. Citizen Process - Numerous times during the year, information as to County Manager recommendations, or supporting material in general, was provided with limited notice (e.g. an additional coverage alternative was not available on the Web until two days prior to the Board meeting; the Church Parking proposal supplemental not available until two days prior to consideration). Some of the material has not had the time to be reviewed by citizens, Civic Associations and various concerned County Commissions. At times, errors in the outcome can result in later "corrections" that might or might not have had an adequate hearing (e.g. lot coverage minimums). Also, there are situations where information and alternatives are considered ONLY by the County staff, who no matter how well intentioned, are not always knowledgeable of all of the consequences of proposed actions or legislation. In order to encourage citizens to become and remain involved in the discussion of Arlington civic issues some changes or additions in approach might be considered. For example, in the spirit of accountable government, the County might consider development of transparent methods for communicating what public input was used in a decision, as well as what contributions were not used and why. What action is the Board taking to instruct the County Manager and staff to ensure this reduction in notification, as well as a noticeable deterioration of the "Arlington Way", will be mitigated in both the near and long term?
2. Budget Review - As you know, the ACCF has a very dedicated set of members of the Revenues & Expenditures committee that put in long hours, as well as a full meeting devoted to revenue and budget reviews annually. It is unlikely that the rate of increase in real estate values and parallel growth in the cost of, and additional, County services is sustainable into the future. We also have concern about long-term trends in expenditures for personnel compensation and expected future liabilities for employee and retiree annuities and health care expenses. How can the diligent ACCF effort and strong support on the part of ACCF delegates be more integrated into the County's own process, especially as we move into a more constrained period in the future?
3. Legislative Agenda Review - As with Revenues and Expenditures, the Legislation committee has for a number of years provided thoughtful guidance to the County for a legislative agenda that could be submitted to the State. Many of the recommendations have been carried forward from year to year, with little recognition or action on the part of the County. While we are not the only organization that provides input to your process, we at times feel neglected. What would be your advice as to our continuation of the process on the part of the ACCF and how it can be better reflected in the County's own recommendations?
4. Affordable Housing - The ACCF both through the desires of individual members and, the strong influence of it own Housing committee, has been a strong supporter of Arlington County affordable housing initiatives. We have participated in the recent Roundtable meetings and provided a supporting resolution to that process. In 2002, ACCF passed another resolution (attached) which stated "Be it resolved that the ACCF support the creation of a broad based coalition to develop a plan for homeownership for public servants and appoint a representative to participate in the coalition." Has the Board considered actions such as, but not limited to, a joint School Board County Board taskforce to study and make recommendations for increased opportunities for Arlington's public employees to live in the community they serve?
5. General Interactive Process - While the above questions are for specific areas, historically, the ACCF has proven to provide significant and valuable input to various County processes. We would like to believe that the numerous committees and, organization as a whole, is a valuable support arm to the County in both the analysis of information, actions and, process. The ACCF, in being broad based, is also reflective of the tenor of the community as a whole. We like to feel that we help to foster other groups that might have a different perspective than our own consensus. How can we more effectively both continue and enhance this process in the future - with the County Board, County Staff, and any other organizations you might identify now or in the future?
Patrick Smaldore
Annual 911 Scholarship Fund Raising Appeal
By now each member organization should have received the annual fund raising appeal for our 911 Scholarship -- for the benefit of the children of our police, fire, EMT and deputy sheriffs. Since 2001, this fund has assisted 20 college students with their tuition costs. A special thanks to Arlington - East Falls Church and Fairlington civic associations for being the first two donations. Each group sent a $250 donation to the Arlington Community Foundation -- the administrator of our plan. Donations should be sent to ACF at 2525 Wilson Blvd (22201). Make sure to note "911 Scholarship" in the memo portion of your check.
Thanks in advance for your continued support of this important ACCF initiative. If you have any questions please contact Jim Pebley (jim@civfed.org) 703-525-0766, or Tim Reese 703- 533-0091, Co-Chairs
ACCF Housing Committee Resolution
The ACCF Housing Committee Resolution passed without opposition at the December 6th ACCF General meeting can be found at: http://www.civfed.org/reshousf.htm
If you have any questions please contact Kathryn Scruggs, Chair (kathryn@civfed.org) 703-536-9148
Governor-Elect Tim Kaine Appoints Secretary of Technology
We hear from Stan Karson that Aneesh Chopra, a long-time RAFOM civic association member, has just been appointed Secretary of Technology.
Joint GMU/Arlington County Advisory Board Legislative Town Hall meeting
The ACCF has been invited to the third annual Joint GMU/Arlington County Advisory Board Legislative Town Hall meeting, moderated by Scott McGeary, Chair of the Advisory Board. The Town Hall meeting will be held at the George Mason University Arlington Campus in the Original Building, Room 251, located at 3401 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia, on Thursday, January 5, 2006 at 7:30am. The purpose of the meeting is for a panel of representatives from Arlington County Government, Arlington County Public Schools, The Arlington County Civic Federation, The Arlington Chamber of Commerce and George Mason University will present to the Arlington community their respective organization's legislative agenda for the upcoming 2006 General Assembly Session. request an RSVP by January 3, 2006 to Amanda Harrison at 703-993-8754 or by email at aharrisa@gmu.edu. Parking will be provided on the Arlington Campus.
December 7, 2005
Arlington County Board
Arlington County, Virginia
#1 Courthouse Plaza, Suite 300
2100 Clarendon Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201
Honorable Jay Fisette, Chairman
Subject: Public Spaces Master Plan
The Arlington County Civic Federation at its general meeting of December 6, 2005 discussed and passed the following resolution without opposition. The Federation concurs in many of the recommendations contained in the final draft of the Public Spaces Master Plan; and
Recommendations that we consider particularly important include:
- Optimizing creative use of spaces (p. 56)
- Enhancing tree canopies and natural buffer (p. 57)
- Preserving and enhancing natural areas (p. 57)
- Using easements to protect natural areas and heritage resources (p. 58)
- Managing natural areas to maintain diverse habitats (p. 59)
- Implementing a green infrastructure policy (p. 59)
- Managing assets more effectively (p. 64)
And further, the Federation believes,
- Since it will not be possible to include either a land acquisition policy (p. 52) or a natural resource policy (p. 53) in the Master Plan this year, the County Board should make clear that it expects both to be completed during 2006, and
- Community and Stakeholder Input (p. 24, Section B) should include links to the web pages where the reports of the working group meetings are stored, and the County should maintain those web pages as part of the legislative history behind the Master Plan for at least the life of the Master Plan.
We feel this is important, and we ask that you include it in your discussions of these matters. We look forward to your response to our letter. Please feel free to contact me via telephone at: 703-528-3935, or via email at; pat@civfed.org.
Patrick A. Smaldore Jr.
Patrick A. Smaldore Jr.
President, Arlington County Civic Federation
3859 North Second Street
Arlington, VA 22203-3803
ACCF Committee Chairs
Ad Hoc Airports Committee
By-Laws Committee
Community Relations Committee
Cultural Affairs Committee
Environmental Committee
Ben Axelroad, Chair - 703-525-3083
Housing Committee
Legislation Committee
Membership Committee
Frances Finta, Chair - 703-528-2882/fax 703-528-0182
Parks & Recreation Committee
Planning & Zoning Committee
Public Services Committee - Amy Levin, 703-521-4894+
Revenues & Expenditures Committee
Scholarship Committees
Jim Pebley - 703-525-0766
Tim Reese 703-533-0091, Co-Chairs
Schools Committee
Special Events Committee
Frances Finta - Phone 703-528-2882/ Fax 703-528-0182
Transportation Committee
The Arlington County Civic Federation 2005-2006
Executive Committee Officers
Executive Committee Members
Arlington County Civic Federation
C/o Patrick A. Smaldore Jr.
3859 North Second Street
Arlington, VA 22203-3803
This page was last revised on: December 23, 2005.