May, 2006 - Volume 90, No. 9

ACCF General Meeting Notice
Tuesday May 2, 2006 at 7:30pm
Hazel Conference Center Virginia Hospital Center-Arlington 1701 North George Mason Drive
Tuesday May 2, 2006
1. Pledge of Allegiance (formal start of meeting)
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes (Mar 7, 2006)
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Legislative Committee VA State Delegates Program
6. Planning and Zoning Committee Historic Preservation Plan Presentation
7. Airport Issues Committee Resolution
8. New Business/Adjournment
Message from the President
May Meeting - VA State Delegates Program
The Arlington County Civic Federation will welcome Arlington's State Delegates and Senators to the May 2nd meeting; with a program beginning at 7:40 pm. The delegation to Richmond will speak about the recent session, including the state budget, and what became of the Federation's legislative agenda. Delegates and Senators will be available for questions from Federation delegates and alternates. We have also provided time for follow-up questions from reporters of the Arlington Connection and the Arlington Sun-Gazette.
Special Rule. After Federation delegates have completed a period of questions with members of Arlington's General Assembly delegation, reporters from the Arlington Connection and the Arlington Sun-Gazette will have an additional 15 minutes in which to ask follow-up questions of the legislators. Questions will be limited to 30 seconds, and responses to one minute. For further information please contact Tim Wise, Legislative Committee Chair, tim@civfed.org, (703) 243-8345
ACCF Neighborhood Day Parade Marshals and Marching Unit
I would like to invite you all to become members of the ACCF Parade Marshals and ACCF Marching Unit for Neighborhood Day on Saturday May 13th. Please contact me at 703-528-3935, or pat@civfed.org to sign up. The schedule for Neighborhood Day is:
12:30pm - Meet at Clarendon Metro for a short briefing, then spread out as marshals
2:00pm - Join the parade near the end as a marching unit
We will have a sign representing us as the Arlington County Civic Federation.
Introduction of Resolutions
The ACCF Standing Rules provide that all motions be presented to the Presiding officer in writing. Those wishing to have resolutions as part of New Business considered by the Federation in the future should observe this rule in order to avoid confusion and delay. It is also suggested that as a matter of courtesy that Delegates or Alternates inform their member organizations of any resolutions they intend to offer for Civic Federation consideration.
Patrick Smaldore
Airport Issues Committee Proposed Resolution
The Airport Issues Committee has been actively engaged in the ongoing Part 150 Noise Study at Reagan National Airport. The noise study contains eight noise abatement and six noise mitigation recommendations. It should be noted that these recommendations, if adopted, will not affect airline schedules. When the FAA completes its internal review of the Part 150 Noise Study, it will announce a 180-day open comment period in the Federal Register. During this period, anyone can provide comments on the noise study recommendations. The Airport Issues Committee will propose a resolution at the May meeting, to be voted upon at the June meeting, allowing Civic Federation members to submit comments in support of the noise study recommendations when the study is listed on the Federal Register. The Part 150 Noise Study recommendations and the proposed resolution can be viewed under the Airport Issues Committee section of the Civic Federation website.
While all of the eight noise abatement and six noise mitigation recommendations are important, the first noise abatement recommendation is crucial for controlling noise levels in Arlington County. This recommendation allows for the development of a committee to determine GPS "way points" along the Potomac River, so that aircraft using the main airport runway could use these to fly along the center of the river during takeoffs and departures. Currently, aircraft using the main runway are allowed to fly directly over residential neighborhoods.
By moving the flight path over the center of the river, noise levels will decrease by several decibels, especially for those residents living nearer the river. It should be noted that Alaska Airlines has voluntarily created just this type of system for takeoffs and departures from the airport; therefore, a precedent has been set, and the validity of this approach has been justified (it also has the backing of the ATA and APA).
If the proposed resolution is adopted by the CivFed, the Airport Issues Committee will provide recommendations for submitting comments to the FAA concerning the Part 150 Noise Study. For further information, please contact the co-chairs of the Airport Issues Committee: Steve Geiger (703)522-0026 steveg@civfed.org, and Steve Baur (703)525-5580 steveb@civfed.org.
Resolution of Arlington County Civic Federation:
Concerning Flexibility in Existing County Policy Regarding Current Mandatory Inclusion of Sidewalks in Construction Projects
Adopted April 4, 2006
Whereas: The present goal for incorporating sidewalks in Arlington County is expressed in the "Pedestrian Transportation Plan, Goal #2, page 23 originally dated January 1997 and reaffirmed by the Board in 1999 and 2002, which states, in part:
"All streets and areas within Arlington County should have pedestrian access and facilities. Continuous sidewalks should exist along at least one side of all minor streets in residential; areas, and along both sides of all arterial and neighborhood principal streets and commercial areas."
Whereas: A Director of Public Works' Inter-Departmental Memorandum to the County Manager dated November 14, 2002 states that before releasing plans for construction, his staff reviews designs to ensure they conform to the above goals, thereby effectively imposing a mandatory requirement for sidewalks in all street projects,
Whereas: The Civic Federation strongly supports the goal of installing ADA compliant sidewalks, which promote public safety and are a valuable community amenity; however, there will inevitably be some situations (such as cul-de-sacs, historic properties, and streets with very low traffic volumes) in which the installation of sidewalks would be neither prudent economically nor necessary for public safety. Such construction needlessly expends funds which should be used for sidewalks where they are most needed. Good management practice dictates that some flexibility in the present mandatory policy should be established.
Whereas: the County Manager has informed the Civic Federation that current policy does not give him discretion to waive the sidewalk requirement, and
Whereas: At the January 2005 meeting of the Federation, all members of the current County Board agreed that there are some cases in which flexibility in this policy would be warranted,
Be it therefore resolved by the Arlington County Civic Federation that:
1. Arlington County allow flexibility in designing and funding street construction projects, so as to allow waiver of the sidewalk requirement in certain narrowly construed situations.
2. Arlington County establish procedures and criteria for implementing this waiver policy; and pending such establishment, effective immediately, authorize the County Manager, or his designee, to approve any requested waivers adequately justified by the submitting civic association..
3. These procedures and criteria should be developed in consultation with representatives of civic associations, the Civic Federation, the Neighborhood Conservation, Pedestrian and Transportation Advisory Commissions, and other interested citizens.
4. The policy of permitting flexibility and waivers in certain specified situations should be incorporated into the Master Transportation Plan and other appropriate county documents.
ACCF Committee Chairs
Ad Hoc Airports Committee
By-Laws Committee
Community Relations Committee
Cultural Affairs Committee
Environmental Committee
Ben Axelroad, Chair - 703-525-3083
Housing Committee
Legislation Committee
Membership Committee
Frances Finta, Chair - 703-528-2882/fax 703-528-0182
Parks & Recreation Committee
Planning & Zoning Committee
Public Services Committee - Amy Levin, 703-521-4894+
Revenues & Expenditures Committee
Scholarship Committees
Jim Pebley - 703-525-0766
Tim Reese 703-533-0091, Co-Chairs
Schools Committee
Special Events Committee
Frances Finta - Phone 703-528-2882/ Fax 703-528-0182
Transportation Committee
The Arlington County Civic Federation 2005-2006
Executive Committee Officers
Executive Committee Members
Arlington County Civic Federation
C/o Patrick A. Smaldore Jr.
3859 North Second Street
Arlington, VA 22203-3803
This page was last revised on: March 19, 2006.