June, 2006 - Volume 90, No. 10

ACCF General Meeting Notice
Tuesday June 6, 2006 at 7:30pm
Hazel Conference Center Virginia Hospital Center-Arlington 1701 North George Mason Drive
Tuesday June 6, 2006
1. Pledge of Allegiance (formal start of meeting)
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes (May 2, 2006)
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Nominating Committee Report (10 Minutes)
6. Transportation Committee Master Transportation Plan Program (60 Minutes)
7. Committee Reports (20 Minutes)
8. Unfinished Business:
a. Airport Issues Committee Resolution (5 Minutes)
b. Housing Committee Resolution (15 Minutes)
c. Historic Preservation Policy Resolution (15 Minutes)
9. New Business/Adjournment
Message from the President
ACCF Transportation Committee Program discussing the Interim Report on the new Master Transportation Plan
At the June 6 Arlington County Civic Federation meeting, county staff will present an interim report on progress in producing a draft of a new Master Transportation Plan.
For the past 15 months, county staff, a team of consultants, and a "Plenary Group" of Arlington citizens have been working on developing a new draft of a Master Transportation Plan to replace the previous plan developed in the 1980s. The project included several public meetings in the fall of 2005 and regular meetings of the plenary group. Drafts of various components of the plan were developed by county staff and provided to the Plenary Group for comments. Most recently, the Plenary Group reviewed chapter drafts on transit, pedestrians, bicycling, parking, and streets. The streets chapter included language about flexibility with respect to the sidewalk requirement consistent with the ACCF resolution. The draft chapters are comprehensive in presenting an ambitious transportation agenda. Some recommendations may become controversial due to potential high costs and adverse effects on those who do not live in the high density urban portions of the county and are thus more dependent on, and often prefer, car transportation. While there is generally broad community support for improving walking, bicycling and transit conditions, some draft recommendations would reduce current street capacities and may be considered excessively and unnecessarily anti-car to little public purpose or advantage. The current MTP schedule calls for completing a draft MTP by June 6 and a public presentation of the Draft Plan at the Central Library on June 19. Depending on the public feedback to the plan, it may be revised and the Plenary Group may continue its work.
The Project Manager for the Master Transportation Plan is Rich Viola in the Division of Environmental Services (DES). Other key staff participants have included Dennis Leach and Mark Kellogg. Peter Owen has served as the Chair of the Plenary Group in addition to being Chair of the County's Transportation Advisory Commission. ACCF has been represented officially in the Plenary Group by Jerry Auten and Paul Svercl. Other members of the Plenary Group, some of whom are current or former ACCF delegates or alternates are: Allen Muchnick, Bill Braswell, Brian Dunbar, Chips Johnson, Ed Hilz; Inta Malis, Jason Rylander, Jerry Norris, Lander Allin, Mike Murtha, Pamela Hayes, Peter Fallon, Robert Dudka, Sean Libberton, Steve Baur, Steve Larson, Terry Savela, Thanna Schemel (del.), Tom Petty, and Wendy Dean.
Patrick Smaldore
Patrick Smaldore
2006-2007 Civic Federation
Executive Committee Nominations
Officers Nominated:
President: Larry Mayer
Vice President: Frances Finta
Treasurer: TBD
Secretary: Burt Bostwick
Executive Committee Members Nominated:
Jackie Snelling
Stan Karson
Larry Finch
Frank Emerson
ACCF Committee Reports to be presented at the June Meeting
For our June meeting I would like to ask that all
committee chairs who plan on making a 2 minute oral report to please send me and the Chairman of the ACCF Executive Committee Larry Mayer, an email indicating that you would like to speak, as well as, submitting the committee report to Randy Swart in order for it to be posted to the ACCF web site. Committee Reports should contain the names of those persons who are members.
Also if any committee chairs or executive committee members are ACCF appointed members of any Arlington County Commissions or Task Forces, that they also please send me and the Chairman of the ACCF Executive
Committee Larry Mayer, an email indicating that they would like to speak, as well as, submitting a report to the ACCF web site.
Our email addresses are: pat@civfed.org, larrymayer@civfed.org, and randy@civfed.org
With Deepest Sympathy
I would like to note to the passing of Boulevard Manor Delegate Frank Reynolds wife Emily, who passed away on May 11th.
Arlington County Civic Federation 2005/2006 Highlights
This year as well as, last year we have seen some remarkable civic engagement by our committees. Last year Kathryn Scruggs, Chair of the Housing Committee, was appointed as a Civic Federation rep to the Affordable Housing Round Table. Her committee proposed, and the Civic Federation adopted a resolution supporting the conclusions of the Affordable Housing Round Table. Martha Moore, Co-Chair of the Planning and Zoning Committee dealt with the very complex area of Lot Coverage. At our February meeting the Planning and Zoning Committee proposed and the Civic Federation adopted a resolution on the Transfer of Development Rights (TDRs). The resolution adopted at the March meeting on restoring the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZAs) ability to grant exceptions to the Zoning Ordinance, she and the other Co-Chair Bill Gerhardt, have been having direct discussions with the Board of Zoning Appeals Administrator Terry Russell. At our February meeting the Co-Chairs of the Parks and Recreation Committee, Jay Wind, and Larry Finch, proposed, and the Federation adopted a resolution supporting the Four Mile Run plan. At our March meeting Burt Bostwick, Chair of the Revenues and Expenditures Committee, proposed a resolution, which the Civic Federation adopted, on limiting the real estate tax rate used for the second collection to the amount required to generate planned budget funds.
In 2005 Amy Levin, Chair of the Public Services Committee introduced a resolution on Police Staffing. This year's county budget included another pay raise for Public Service Officers, and an increase in Police staffing. The Legislation Committee produced a Legislative Package that caught the attention of our County Board, and several of our State Delegates. Tim Wise, Chair of the Legislation Committee spoke at a Legislative forum held at George Mason University. Jerry Auten, Chair of the Transportation Committee, has been appointed as the ACCF rep Master Transportation Plan being developed by Arlington County. He and his committee, along with the Planning and Zoning Committee and the Glencarlyn Civic Association proposed a resolution, which the Civic Federation adopted on mandatory sidewalk rules. Beth Wollfe, our Schools Committee Chair has produced a remarkable report for the Arlington County Public School Board on closing the education gap that was mentioned in the Sun Gazette.
I want you all to know that the Arlington County Civic Federation's strength comes through the collective
knowledge of its membership. We have a cadre of people who really know about civic engagement, and really care about Arlington. Because of these collective efforts the Arlington County Civic Federation is a great Community Resource, which will continue making a difference in Arlington County for many years to come, and is a model for Civic Engagement.
Thank you for all of your tremendous support during the last two years.
I am honored to have been your President.
Warmest Regards,
Patrick Smaldore
President, Arlington County Civic Federation
ACCF Committee Chairs
Ad Hoc Airports Committee
By-Laws Committee
Community Relations Committee
Cultural Affairs Committee
Environmental Committee
Ben Axelroad, Chair - 703-525-3083
Housing Committee
Legislation Committee
Membership Committee
Frances Finta, Chair - 703-528-2882/fax 703-528-0182
Parks & Recreation Committee
Planning & Zoning Committee
Public Services Committee - Amy Levin, 703-521-4894+
Revenues & Expenditures Committee
Scholarship Committees
Jim Pebley - 703-525-0766
Tim Reese 703-533-0091, Co-Chairs
Schools Committee
Special Events Committee
Frances Finta - Phone 703-528-2882/ Fax 703-528-0182
Transportation Committee
The Arlington County Civic Federation 2005-2006
Executive Committee Officers
Executive Committee Members
Arlington County Civic Federation
C/o Patrick A. Smaldore Jr.
3859 North Second Street
Arlington, VA 22203-3803
This page was last revised on: May 24, 2006.