Lyon Village Civic Association
Meeting Programs We Have Held in the Past Few Years
by Martha Moore, Past President
Here is a list of some of the programs that the Lyon Village Citizens' Association has held as part of our regular General Membership Meeting.
Programs Scheduled Every Year
- Candidates night (held in October)
- Holiday Party (held in December in lieu of regular General Meeting; has evolved from a Christmas Party to a combination Christmas and Hanukkah party. We buy snack food. People bring some. We provide cookies to decorate. There is entertainment, usually the W&L Madrigal singers. Santa comes and kids tell him what they want for Christmas.
Programs Held in the Last Two Years
- Rat Control - County staff spoke on the new rat abatement effort.
- Walking tour of Clarendon followed by dinner at Facia Luna - This was held in lieu
of a regular General Membership meeting. Attendance was low.
- Financial Planner - A financial planner who lives in the neighborhood did a presentation. (I do not recommend this topic.)
- Neighborhood History - Robert McAtee, a local historian who lives in Maywood, spoke about Maywood in the Early 1900's. (People are very interested in the history of their neighborhood.)
- Livable Communities - Stephanie Bothwell, Director of the AIA Center for Livable Communities spoke about how community development should be implemented to ensure livable communities.
- Dog Parks - Peter Spaulding from Clarendon Dogs made a presentation to ask for support for a dog park somewhere in Arlington. (People do care about dog parks.)
- Retailer Night - The manager of the Glebe Road Harris Teeter store came before the store opened to describe it. Cable TV Arlington was invited to speak about their new digital service.
- Scams - Corporal Lisa Herring of the Arlington Police did a PowerPoint presentation on the scams that are being done in Arlington Neighborhoods.
- Neighborhood Conservation - Chris Nixon, County Staff who heads of Neighborhood Conservation, came to discuss what's covered on the night we were scheduled to vote on our projects.
- Local Architect - David Ricks, an architect who lives in Lyon Village and specializes in renovation, showed slides and talked about projects. (People are interested in this topic.)
- Code Enforcement - Susan Bell and her staff talked about the Code Enforcement program. The Code Inspector assigned to our neighborhood also spoke.
- Traffic - We had several general and special meetings on the process/plans for neighborhood traffic calming.
This page was last revised on: December 28, 2003.