Resolution of Arlington County Civic Federation:
Supporting the Affordable Housing Roundtable
Adopted unanimously on December 6, 2005
WHEREAS, in response to Arlington's housing crisis the County Board convened a Roundtable to discuss developer contributions to affordable housing in site plan projects,
WHEREAS, the Roundtable arrived at a Compromise Agreement on October 25, 2005 that requires Affordable Housing Units (ADUs) or optional contributions to support ADUs,
WHEREAS, housing units or optional contributions are required as part of site plan projects when increased optional density is granted above 1.0 floor area ratio (FAR),
WHEREAS, the Compromise Agreement is based on a definition of affordability to a household income of 60% of Area Median Income (AMI),
WHEREAS, the Federation has been represented on the Roundtable,
WHEREAS, the Federation resolved on October 3 that
"�when deciding on site plan projects, County policy should ensure that the affordable housing resulting from the project should be either on site or as close as possible to the development,"
WHEREAS, the Compromise Agreement states that through the site plan process, the County seeks to create or preserve affordable housing through options for, in priority order, on-site units, off-site nearby, off-site countywide, or a cash contribution to the Affordable Housing Investment Fund,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the Arlington County Civic Federation supports the Compromise Agreement of the Affordable Housing Roundtable.
Kathryn Scruggs, Chair
Housing Committee
December 6, 2005
For further info please contact Kathryn Scruggs, Housing Committee Chair - kathryn+
This page was last revised on: December 7, 2005.