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Arlington County Civic Federation

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Resolution adopted by the
Arlington County Civic Federation
March 5, 2002

WHEREAS, the Leeway Overlee Civic Association requested via a letter dated September 17, 2001 that the Arlington County Board modify the county neighborhood civic association maps to depict the Leeway-Overlee boundaries to include the area currently labeled �Highland Park-Overlee Knolls,� and;

WHEREAS, the County Board requested the Civic Federation provide a recommendation regarding the Leeway-Overlee request, and;

WHEREAS, the Civic Federation has endeavored to mediate an amicable solution and after failing to achieve mutual agreement, the Civic Federation requested residents in the affected area provide a clear indication of which association they wanted to represent them, and;

WHEREAS, the vote taken at a meeting of affected residents held November 29th failed to clearly indicate the residents' preference as to which civic association should represent them, and;

WHEREAS, in a subsequent cooling-off period, the associations could not reach mutual agreement on how to proceed, and;

WHEREAS, observing that Highland Park Overlee Knolls Civic Association is adjudged to be a viable, active civic association, operating according to its bylaws in as much as its membership is open to area residents, it hosts open meetings and is being operated by duly elected officers, then;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, The Arlington County Civic Federation recommend to the Arlington County Board that, in response to Leeway Overlee Civic Association's request for revision of County boundary maps that, in the Federation�s judgment, no change is warranted; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Arlington County Civic Federation recommend to the Arlington County Board that the boundaries of the Highland Park-Overlee Knolls Civic Association and the Leeway Overlee Civic Association continue to be recognized as currently depicted on County boundary maps

This page was last revised on: December 27, 2003.
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