Resolution of the Arlington County Civic Federation
Adopted February 5, 2002
Teacher Excellence Initiative recommendation
Whereas, the Superintendent of Schools has proposed two enhanced salary schedules for Arlington public school teachers as the first step in a broader, but as yet not developed, proposal to ensure continuing excellence in teaching in Arlington schools.
Whereas, the Superintendent and the School Board are seeking broad public discussion and support for this effort.
Be it RESOLVED that:
1. The Arlington County Civic Federation believes it is important that the Arlington Public Schools have a teacher salary schedule adequate to recruit and retain excellent teachers in an increasingly competitive atmosphere.
2. The ACCF supports neither of the proposed salary schedules because the Superintendent's Teacher Excellence Initiative document does not make a case for either option.
Further, the Federation believes there is a need to develop or better utilize a management information system that will enable us to better judge whether a proposed salary schedule is likely to achieve its stated recruitment and retention purpose. Attached is a list, which is not all-inclusive, of information that would assist members in making an informed decision about future proposals.
1. Why do teachers resign?
2. Why do candidates reject offers of employment?
3. Do we have shortages in some subject areas or schools and not others? If so in what areas and what schools?
4. Are we losing teachers with 2 years experience or 5 years or 10 years experience?
5. Historically are we losing more teachers than we used to lose?
6. At what age have teachers typically retired in the last 3 years and how many teachers will reach that age in the next 3 years?
7. How many new teaching positions are projected in the next 5 years?
8. What percentage of support staff live in Arlington?
9. What is the nationwide trend for graduating teachers?
10. How many teachers do we lose annually to neighboring school systems?
11. Why do new and experienced teachers choose APS?
12. How does staff rate competition for teachers with other neighboring jurisdictions?
Prepared by the ACCF Schools Committee
Terri Prell, Co-Chair
Roger Meyer, Co-Chair
Barbara DePauw
John DePauw
Herschel Kanter
Roye Lowry
James Schroeder
Beth Wolffe
This page was last revised on: December 27, 2003.