Parks and Recreation Committee
It shall be the duty of this committee to consider and report on all matters pertaining to parks, public recreation, establishment and maintenance of public recreational facilities, and planning for public recreation programs. The committee shall serve as liaison for the Federation with appropriate county officials and private bodies dealing with parks and recreation.
Cory Giacobbe, Co-Chair • email Cory
Parks & Recreation Committee Resolution Regarding Open Space Equity [Febr 2021]
Resolution on 2020 Arlington Parks Bond, submitted by Friends of Arlington Parks [Sept 2020]
- DRAFT Resolution [PDF, 154 KiB]
Resolution Regarding Balanced Allocation of Bond Funds for Park and Recreation Uses [May 2020]
Resolution on 1101 Lee Highway [Jun 2019]
- Adopted Resolution [PDF, 144 KiB].
Public Spaces Master Plan (PSMP) Levels of Service (LoS) Resolution [Jan 2019]
- Adopted Resolution [PDF, 165 KiB]
Resolution for Increased Park Land Acquisition [Febr 2016]
- Committee Report [PDF, 889 KiB]
- Adopted Resolution [PDF, 109 KiB]
Data Analysis of Arlington Parks and Playgrounds by Civic Association and by Age Group [Nov 2015]
- Arlington Parks and Demographics by Civic Association [PDF, 82 KiB]
- Arlington Parks and Playgrounds Maps [PDF, 666 KiB]
- Parks Facilities and Census Data [MS-Excel, 100 KiB]
Annual Reports:
- Resolution: Call upon the County Board to use funds approved by the voters for park land acquisition and other capital projects for only the purposes described in the adopted CIP (October 2009)
- Minutes, August 24, 2009
- Letter commending the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Resources for its prompt cleanup after the storm on June 25th, 2006
- Position on the boathouse proposal (2004)
- Position on Open Space Master Plan/Public Space Master Plan (2001)
- Park Watch Program (2000)