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Arlington County Civic Federation

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Committee Charge: Nominating

At the regular meeting in April, a nominating Committee of five (5) members shall be elected by ballot by the membership of the Federation, from nominations from the floor. A plurality elects. If there are no more than five nominees, elections may be by voice vote. Nominees must be delegates or alternate delegates of the Federation. It shall be the duty of this Committee to nominate at least one candidate for each office, and at least five members to serve on the Executive Committee. The nominees for office and for the Executive Committee shall be delegates or alternate delegates of the Federation and shall maintain the status of delegate or alternate delegate during their term of service. The Nominating Committee shall submit its report in writing to all the delegates through the newsletter, or by other appropriate means, and shall report at the annual meeting in June, at which time nominations from the floor shall be permitted with the consent of the nominee.

-- Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2. For full document go to Bylaws

This web page was last revised on: July 5, 2007.
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