Development Issues in Arlington
Below is a listing, grouped by categories, of the issues the Civic
Federation Membership raised during the March 5 General Membership Meeting.
These served as the basis of our presentation at the Community Planning
Forum sponsored by ABC. It was quite a turnout.
The issues follow below:
The County as a Developer
Planning for Large Commercial Developments
How do you get information about upcoming projects? Staff suggests going to
the staff or the developer.
How do neighborhoods find out when projects enter the planning stages?
Are school impacts considered in approving large new developments?
For larger developments with greater community impacts, can there be a requi
rement that impacts be considered in a more comprehensive context?
While adjacent property owners may be notified in the planning process �
when are Civic Associations notified?
How can we encourage family sized units in multi-family housing?
How can we accommodate entry-level singles in our high cost housing market?
How do Phased Development Site Plans work, such as in Shirlington? How does
a neighborhood know development will actually occur in accordance with the
plan? How does a neighborhood get any leverage to influence a plan as it is
being conceived?
In phased developments, can there be thresholds for transportation goals
that must be reached before the next phase can proceed?
Subdividing and Infill Issues
When is the County going to resolve the long-standing issues regarding site
coverage and pipe stem lots?
How do you preserve the character of our neighborhoods when there is a high
turnover rate for properties (i.e. as older owners move out) � and new
owners subdivide to maximize property values?
General Items of Concern and Other IssuesS
Why does the County decline to repave streets without curbs and gutters?
It would be helpful if new Civic Association Presidents were issued county
maps that show zoning and land use plan designations.
Is there a way for the Federation to become more involved as an advocate on
behalf of civic associations?
The funding for neighborhood conservation seems to be inadequate for the
For property owners who want to develop � how do you find reputable
This page was last revised on: December 28, 2003.