The Order of Distinguished Meritorious Service
This award is presented for sustained exceptional service over a long period of years, and is not necessaryily awarded each year. It is awarded to a person who:
(a) is a current or former active delegate to the Federation; (b) has made an outstanding contribution to Arlington County over an extended period of time; and (c) exemplifies the citizen activist as a positive element in community life.
Frederick E. Mann - 1936
Grover E. Payne - 1938
Robert E. Plymale - 1942
Florence E. Cannon - 1943
Ruby G. Simpson - 1949
Dr. Victor Meyers - 1950
William G. Watt - 1954
Walter Kingsbury - 1960
Lorna Hutchings - 1978
John Lohman - 1978
Anne M. Noll - 1982
Bernard D. Joy - 1985
Godfrey E. Barber - 1987
Roye Lowry - 1996
Scott McGeary - 1996
Sherwin Landfield - 1997
Sherman Pratt - 1999
Jean Mostrom - 2001
Nancy Graham - 2002
Frances Finta - 2003
Randy Swart - 2004
Martha Moore - 2007
Wayne Kubicki- 2011
Here are the recipients of the Sun Gazette Cup, our annual award for the Civic Federation delegate who has contributed most to the work of the Federation over the past year.
Here are some recent Federation award winners.
This page was last revised on: April 10, 2011.