Minutes of the meeting of December 3, 2002
John T. Hazel Auditorium, Arlington Hospital
1. The President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. There was one "community forum" presentation, which focused on WALKArlington..
2. Pledge of Allegiance. The formal meeting began with recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Approval of Agenda. The agenda was approved after two changes. The first was the addition of consideration of a resolution regarding English ivy, and the second involved deletion of the agenda item calling for consideration of a resolution about Welborn Square.
4. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the November 12, 2002 meeting were deferred..
5. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Frances Finta's written report reported a combined checking and savings accounts balance of $6,822.60, less a 911 Scholarship Fund balance of $1,241.92, leaving a Federation balance of $5,580.68. The report was accepted.
6. Civic Hero Award. Arlington police Captain Mary Gavin was presented a hero award for her countless civic efforts.
7. Program. The program started with a visit by the Arlington School Board and Superintendent. This included formal presentations by Board members and the Superintendent. The presentations were based upon questions developed by the Schools Committee. This was followed by a Q&A session with questions posed by Federation delegates.
8. Old Business. The Housing Committee presented a resolution that resolved Federation support of a coalition to develop a plan for homeownership for public servants, which passed almost unanimously. The Environmental and Public Service Committees presented a resolution recommending the County Board add to its 2003 legislative package that English ivy be declared a noxious weed under Virginia law. The resolution was amended to include an additional paragraph concerning other invasive species.
9. New Business. Jim Huryz offered a resolution concerning the lack of affordable housing, which was referred to the Housing Committee.
10. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:40 p.m.
Recorded by Timothy Wise, Secretary
This page was last revised on: December 27, 2003.