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Arlington County Civic Federation

You are viewing the archived Civic Federation site. For current information, visit www.civfed.org.

President's Awards

The award was first given in 2002. It is an award given at the discretion of the President to recognize exceptional service.






    Robert Griffin, Director, Office of Emergency Management.

    Martha Moore, Delegate and renderer of zoning ordinances into the English language.



    Burt Bostwick, Chair, Revenue and Expenditures Committee

    Sharon J. Rogers and Randy Swart, Webmasters


    Mileva Hartman, Chair, Membership Committee

    2008-2009 Executive Committee: Peter Owen, Chair; Wayne Kubicki, Vice-chair; Gerald Auten; Larry Finch; Michael Kerley; Stanley G. Karson, Vice-President; Eileen Williams, Treasurer; Sharon J. Rogers, Secretary

Note: If you can add to this list, please do so. We would like to compile as complete a list as possible.

Our Awards Page

This page was last revised on: April 6, 2009.
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