DRAFT Resolution of the Arlington County Civic Federation
For consideration February 4th, 2003
Draft Resolution on Alternative Fuel
Buses and Fueling Facilities
Whereas, Arlington County citizens have concern for and commitment to community safety and clean air;
Whereas, many jurisdictions are exploring alternative fuel options for public conveyances, including, but not limited to, clean-diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG), and liquid natural gas (LNG) or liquid compressed natural gas (LCNG) in an effort to reduce pollutants associated with vehicle exhausts;
Whereas, significant concerns have been expressed over the safety to the surrounding community and National Airport of the possible conversion of the bus depot at Four Mile Run and South Glebe Road to a liquid natural gas or liquid compressed natural gas facility, with several 30-40,000 gallon tanks and the truck transportation of said fuel from a pipeline to tanks;
Whereas, LNG/LCNG is a volatile fuel, and facilities to handle it require compliance with standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), specifically NFPA 59A, NFPA 57 (guidelines for LNG and LCNG station spill containment), NFPA 70 (Design for UPS requirements), specially designed cryogenic tanks, seismic testing and compliance, emergency shutdown features and alarms, among others;
Whereas, County Department of Public Works staff, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) engineers and consultants, and the Deputy Fire Marshall for South Arlington have met with the Committees on Environmental Affairs and Public Services, presenting "Conversion of Four Mile Run Bus Facility to Maintain CNG Buses";
Whereas, WMATA has determined and publicly expressed that conversion to CNG is more cost effective in the long-term and has announced and confirmed to the joint committees of the Civic Federation its intention to proceed with conversion of the Four Mile Run facility to a CNG facility;
Whereas, officials of WMATA have agreed to provide the Civic Federation committees with statistical data on environmental pollutant reduction and comparative cost information, the latter arising from concerns over the possibility that alternative-fuel vehicles may require more frequent fueling and hence, more traffic;
Be it therefore resolved that the Arlington County Civic Federation applauds the efforts of WMATA to seek alternative transportation and fuel sources that will lessen the release of pollutants into the environment and provide increased environmental protection so long as the safety of the community remains a high priority;
Be it further resolved that the Arlington County Civic Federation, while still having reservations about introducing either substance (LCNG or CNG) into a facility in Arlington, expresses its strong preference for CNG, because of the reduced risks to public safety, over LNG/LCNG conversion and, based on currently available information, opposes any LNG/LCNG facilities situated in densely populated areas as are found throughout Arlington County.
For further information, contact:
Kim Smith
This page was last revised on: December 27, 2003.