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Arlington County Civic Federation

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DRAFT Resolution on the Schools Budget

For consideraton March 4, 2003

The Schools Committee recommends not using money from the Arlington Public Schools Reserve Fund to accelerate the Kenmore construction project by one year. We do not believe that the requirements for the use of Reserve Funds have been met. To wit, the Superintendent has not provided "a report detailing all efforts made by staff to meet the need within operating budget resources." Indeed, no effort has been made to use the re-estimated moneys received in October to fund the project, and it is not included in the $12.4 million of new initiatives for FY2004. We believe that the project could have been, and still could be, funded out of the operating budget, if it is a high enough priority for the APS. The Reserve Fund is intended for addressing only serious financial setbacks.

RESOLVED, that the Arlington County Civic Federation opposes the use of the Reserve Fund for accelerating the construction of a new Kenmore Middle School; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Arlington County Civic Federation recommends that the Arlington Public Schools study and establish criteria for the appropriate size of the Reserve Fund.

This page was last revised on: December 27, 2003.
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