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Arlington County Civic Federation

You are viewing the archived Civic Federation site. For current information, visit www.civfed.org.

Our Web Server

Our Web server runs at a place called Pair Networks in Pittsburgh, PA. Pair is an old, established company, running Web pages for people since 1995, and profitable since that year. They run more than 140,000 Web pages. The cost to us is $112 per year.

Here are some statistics from a typical week in June:

    Distinct hosts served: 513

    Successful requests for pages: 1,186

    Average successful requests for pages per day: 169

    Distinct files requested: 221

    Data transferred: 26.984 Mbytes

    Average data transferred per day: 3.861 Mbytes

Most popular pages:

    241: /index.htm
    67: /calendar.htm
    54: /historys.htm
    49: /links.htm
    43: /anne.htm
    23: /ndftmyer.htm
    22: /toolkit.htm

If you want all the technical details and tecnicolor charts, follow this link to the full analysis.

This page was last revised on: December 26, 2003.
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